DIVERSIFOOD Workshop Enabling Crop Biodiversity on the Market 27th of November Brussels
Please click on the links to see and download the workshop presentations. Group work results are available on request to emil.platzer@arche-noaht.at.
The Programme is available here.
Opening Session:
Opening - Roby Biwer, Committee of the Regions
Presentation of the Workshop’s Scope and Introduction to DIVERSIFOOD, Klaus Rapf
Introductory Round
Seed Saving as an Invitation for Co-creating Biodiversity, Greet Lamprecht & Mieke Lateir
Session 1: Official Procedures, Legislation and Crop Biodiversity: Challenges and Best Practice Examples
Presentation 1 - Introduction on EU seed legislation, Fulya Batur
Presentation 2- Country Analysis Belgium, Małgorzata Verleyen Szulc
Presentation 3 - Country Analysis The Netherlands, Raoul Haegens
Presentation 4 - Country Analysis Austria, Emil Platzer
Presentation 5 - Country Analysis France, Blanche Magarinos-Rey
Session 2: Enabling the Biodiversity Market – Making Genetic Resources Available and Attractive for Farmers and Consumers
Group Work on Crop Biodiversity in Official Procedures and Legislations
Presentation 1 - Participatory Plant Breeding in the Netherlands, Edwin Nuijten
Presentation 2 - The Network Meuse-Rhin-Moselle, Marlene Moreau
Presentation 3 - How to Strengthen the Cooperation Between Gene Banks and Farmers, Obe Bootsma
For further infos contact emil.platzer@arche-noah.at